Our Products
We represent and distribute solutions of many leading manufacturers in the power quality industry. Our products include UPSs, SPDs, power conditioners, PDUs, engine generator systems, batteries and critical facilities monitoring systems. Kramer Datapower, Inc. also provides power surveys, site planning and installation services.
UPSs from Mitsubishi Electric and several of the leading manufacturers ranging in size from 200VA to 4,000KVA. Configurations include singe module systems up to ultra-redundant configurations providing high up-time and maintenance flexibility.
Anord Mardix Modular (AMP) PDUs provide a convenient and flexible means of distributing power to critical IT and telecommunications systems at the point of use. Kramer Datapower, Inc., is a manufacturer’s representative for PDI.
Anord Mardix Databar Bus System is a rugged yet flexible, easy to install, highly efficient, structured busway for the safe and reliable distribution of power.
SPD’s can be employed at the utility service entrance to the building, at distribution panels downstream from service entrance and at the individual load level. These devices absorb the transient energy and redirect it to a path away from the critical equipment.
Batteries, accessories and monitoring services of the leading battery manufacturers. These manufactures include Enersys, Deka, C & D, and Fiamm.